a colloquial Spanish term for a mix of miscellaneous objects often considered worthless or junk.

This series originates from an analytical exploration of the aesthetic and structural dynamics present in discarded objects and urban detritus. The focal point of this work is the paradoxical relationship between chaos and order within these elements. Captured over the span of 2012 to 2024, the images in this series were created in diverse cities and countries, including Chicago, USA; Paris, France; Hong Kong; New York, USA; Melbourne, Australia; Hamburg, Germany; Barcelona, Spain; Venice, Italy; Guatemala City, Guatemala; Tallinn, Estonia; Munich, Germany; Alba, Italy; London, England; and Turin, Italy.

The choice to utilize a square format for each image is a methodological decision, aimed at imposing a geometric constraint to frame the otherwise erratic subject matter. This deliberate structuring device serves to juxtapose the organic disorder of the objects with the rigid confines of the frame, thereby encouraging a reevaluation of the inherent organization within the chaotic. The visual experience of engaging with these square frames evokes a phenomenological response, akin to the sensation of being drawn into a gravitational singularity. There is a palpable suspension within the visual turmoil, where the chaotic assemblage transforms into an entrancing tableau. Through this series, I endeavor to encapsulate and communicate that immersive experience, inviting the viewer to engage with the aesthetic complexities and latent order within the discarded.

This body of work interrogates the dialectic between entropy and structure, aiming to illuminate the ephemeral beauty of the neglected and the cast aside. By foregrounding the spontaneous patterns that emerge from the disordered, each photograph acts as a site of discovery, challenging conventional perceptions and fostering a nuanced appreciation of the mundane. "Cachivaches" underscores the idea that everything, when framed with intention, can reveal its own unique beauty.

“Photography is about finding out what can happen in the frame. When you put four edges around some facts, you change those facts.”

— Garry Winogrand

Dropping on FOUNDATION
Wednesday June 26th, 2024. More details coming soon.

Stay tuned